‘’Angela's Ashes’ out Roddy Doyles Roddy Doyle. I was amazed by it.’ Margaret Forster, author of ‘Hidden Lives’
‘Once opened, this brilliant and seductive book will not let you rest until Frank emerges, more or less reared, at the close of boyhood.’ Thomas Keneally, author of ‘Schindler's List.’
‘Frank McCourt's lyrical Irish voice will draw comparison to Joyce. It's that seductive, that hilarious. In the annals of memoir, his name will be writ large.’ Mary Karr, author of ‘The Liar's Club’.
‘I was moved and dazzled by the sombre and lively beauty of this book; it is a story of survival and growth beyond all odds; a chronicle of surprising triumphs, written in language that is always itself triumphant.’ Mary Gordon, author of ‘The Shadow Man.’
It is a story of extreme hardship and suffering, in Brooklyn tenements and Limerick slums – too many children, too little money, his mother Angela barely coping as his father Malachy's drinking bouts constantly brings the family to the brink of disaster. It is a story of courage and survival against apparently overwhelming odds.
Written with the vitality and resonance of a work of fiction, and with a remarkable absence of sentimentality, ‘Angela’s Ashes’ is imbued on every page with Frank McCourt's distinctive humour and compassion. Out of terrible circumstances, he has created a glorious book in the tradition of Ireland's literary masters, which bears all the marks of a great classic.
弗兰克·迈考特(Frank McCourt),1930年生于美国纽约,不久即举家迁回爱尔兰,在贫民窟长大,19岁只身来到美国。1996年出版自传体小说《安琪拉的灰烬》,一举获得普利策文学奖、全美书评奖、洛杉矶时报图书奖、美国年度好书奖等,曾连续117周雄踞《纽约时报》畅销书榜,一年重印47次,印数高达150万册,创下了一连串的出版奇迹。本书现已译成25种语言全球发行,并由派拉蒙公司改编成同名电影,令数以亿计的读者深深感动。